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2013 60th Annual SAPSF Conference - PASV
The theme for the 60th conference was; Here to Care: Patient Focus. The presenters and facilitators at the conference provided depth to the theme by sparking thought-provoking conversations.


The conference commenced with reports from the outgoing PresCo. The rest of the conference was coloured by speakers from some of the sponsors including Dis-Chem, Allegra, and Roche Diagnostics, who shed some light on what they offer the pharmaceutical industry and future pharmacists in the delegates present. Mr Moholoholo Phasha a representative of the Independent Community Pharmacists Association (ICPA) spoke on what it means to be an independent pharmacist with the challenges of operating in the presence of large pharmaceutical chain stores in South Africa. PPS, a financial services company represented by Mr Charles Niemand provided information on their niche package that is the only professionals’ exclusive service in South Africa. They encouraged all the delegates who will be interns in 2014 to consider signing with them for medical cover. Professor Sandra Van Dyk gave the school sponsor’s address, the highlight of which was how to be a 7 star pharmacist. She also mentioned the school’s new facilities, which the delegation got to view in a guided tour.


There were also talks from Adcock Ingram, Pharmadynamics, Professor Emse Van Rensburg and the various branches who gave reports of the year’s activities which helped share challenges faced and future ideas.


As the conference is never without entertainment, this year’s was provided in the form of the SAAHIP clinical pharmacy competition which was presented by Mr Nico Scheepers and won by UKNAPS and the Life Health care counselling competition presented by Mr D Kotze and won by PEPSA. Also, the themed evening outings ensured that the delegates got to know each other in a more social environment.


Congratulations were passed after election of the new PRESCO:


President: Mmakgabo Chokwe

Vice-President: Liniah Mumbengegwi

Treasurer: Jameelah Shaikjee

General Secretary: Priyanka Chotai

Student Exchange Officer: Sophia Bogolubov

Public Initiative Officer: Ditebogo Milanzi

Editor: Amber Cheng

Media and Communications Officer: Nigel Sibanda


At the closing event, the diamond ball, those who had done SAPSF proud over the year and during the conference were reward accordingly for their efforts.


The Penny Ambler Memorial: Radley Pillay

Awarded to the first time delegate to the congress for overall performance.


The Lorraine Osman Trophy: Mncedisi Zuma

Awarded to the best observer at the congress for overall performance.


The Nico Scheepers Memorial: Jasmine Duxbury

Awarded to the delegate at congress for overall performance.


The SAPSF Trophy: Natasha Hayes

Awarded to the best member of SAPSF based on involvement in their branch and SAPSF during the year as well as congress.


The Senate Inaugural Trophy: ULAPS – WPSC

Awarded to the member of SAPSF for best individual contribution to a project to be decided

annually by the Vice-President.


The Mer National Trophy: ULAPS

Awarded to the branch of SAPSF, which in the opinion of the Executive committee has

contributed the most to the services/development of the community.


The SAPSF Service Award : WPSC

Awarded to any organisation or person who has assisted the SAPSF in that particular year.


The Stavros Nicolaou Trophy: PASV

Awarded to the branch having participated most effectively in fundraising for that particular



The NPSA Memorial Award: ULAPS

Awarded to the branch presenting the best project at the conference.


The Emmanuel S’Busiso Mkhizi Memorial Trophy: UWCAPS

Awarded by the Secretary of the SAPSF to the best branch in communication.


The Spirit Award: WPSC

Awarded to the branch with the best team spirit, judged by their participation during



Old boy status was granted to:

Moses Sekisambu, Maphalalo Mohale, Lehlogonolo Maluleke, Sanjula Dhanraj and Jameelah Shaikjee.


The conference was a great success which was made possible by the hard work of the PASV staff and students, the outgoing PRESCOand the many sponsors who were kind enough to donate towards our cause. Many thanks also go to the delegates who made time to attend, we hope to have an even bigger gathering at the 61st conference to be held at the University of the Western Cape by UWCAPS.


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